As early as the years 1930-50, tuberculosis patient associations became significant political actors.
Eclipsed by the rise of antibiotics after the Second World War, can bacteria-eating viruses discovered at the beginning of the 20th century be therapeutic tools while resistance to antibiotic therapy emerges?
The American psychiatric classification was once a tool at the service of white political power to the detriment of the emancipation of African-Americans.
The term psychedelic was coined to refer to psychotic substances explored for use in psychiatry, but which remain under strict control
During the «Great Depression» of the 1930s, psychiatric professionals diagnosed a new disease: the «psychosis of current events».
The overlooked health provision of public baths retraces for us the history of body hygiene and the inequalities it portends.
The topicality of cases of infanticide invites us to question the historical origin of the madness of motherhood.