The Gym Tonic aerobics programme heralded the advent of a new politics of the female body
Human dissections have been an essential part of medicine since the fourth century B.C. Contrary to widely held belief, the Church did not prohibit them in the Middle Ages.
The naturalness of breast feeding has been subordinated to a political idea of the Nation asserted in an explicit hierarchisation of class and race.
In 19th century Belgium, post-mortem caesarean section turned into a politicized debate.
Ever since Freud, psychoanalysis has taken an interest in the psychic life of Children. First considered a minor practice, psychoanalysis with children reached its full dimension in the 1970s.
In 1852 the criminalisation of abortion is reaffirmed after the Academy of Medicine arrived at a resolution regarding therapeutic abortion.
In the collective mindscape, embalming is attached to Ancient Egypt. Such practices were part and parcel of mummification and that era’s funerary practices. They permitted the preservation of the deceased’s body prior to its inhumation. It should therefore come as no surprise that the art of thanatopraxis met with renewed interest in the 18th and 19th centuries.
From the outset, the measurement of intelligence was as much a scientific as an eminently political endeavour.
For centuries, sexuality was deemed to answer the need to procreate rather than the call of desire, making of onanism a mortal sin.
Eclipsed by the rise of antibiotics after the Second World War, can bacteria-eating viruses discovered at the beginning of the 20th century be therapeutic tools while resistance to antibiotic therapy emerges?
The American psychiatric classification was once a tool at the service of white political power to the detriment of the emancipation of African-Americans.
The term psychedelic was coined to refer to psychotic substances explored for use in psychiatry, but which remain under strict control
"Subtle energies" is a key term in today’s alternative medicine. It plays a central role in the area of energy healing, which includes therapies such as acupuncture, Reiki, Pranic Healing, and Therapeutic Touch.
A body enhancing aesthetic practice, tattooing pertained, in the 19th century, to the world of crime and social deviance.
The health crisis linked to the Covid-19 epidemic has given a new impetus to the development of mental health care provision via teleconsultations.
Does the Covid-19 health crisis mark the advent of telemedicine in our societies?
The truth serum is not just a fantasy, the stuff of science-fiction, it is also a political and medical instrument.Screenshot from Franju, La Tête contre les murs. The truth serum is not just a fantasy...
Around 1900, a vegetarian movement was organized in France to resolve the social question.
Can an Eastern spiritual practice become a Western health practice without betraying itself?