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Political Dictionary of the History of Health

The project

The project manifest
  • This dictionary is political because of its subject matter. Through the various types of entries it offers (practices, actors, concepts, institutions, events), it aims to question the evolution of the relationship between caregivers and patients, particularly highlighting the increasing involvement of citizens in the field of health. Its objective is to explore the social issues surrounding diagnosis and therapeutic practices, emphasizing key moments in their development from the 18th century to the present day. It will address the political stakes of public health issues, whether they involve the body, diseases, health institutions, or healthcare architectures. To this end, each entry is clearly explained by the author, providing a historical and political perspective on its subject.
  • This dictionary is historical. It focuses on the contemporary period of the establishment of modern health systems (late 18th century to the present). The entries it comprises often address current hot topics. The texts developing these entries should shed light on the genesis of the social and political issues that drive the health field. Health is understood in a broad sense, including its physical and psychological aspects and the social issues related to the body.
  • This dictionary is evolving since entries are posted online every week and disseminated via social media.
  • This dictionary is participatory as it is open to external contributions, which will be reviewed by the editorial team based on criteria defined in the editorial charter.
  • This dictionary is a reference tool. Entries written by subject specialists (academics, PhD or Master's holders in the history and sociology of health, social actors in the health field) undergo an editorial process aimed at producing original synthesis texts that are accessible to all and of academic level. While it uses various media and aims at popularization, it relies on academic historical methods and includes reading references to support its points.
  • Finally, this dictionary is an educational tool as students in training will be able to contribute to it under specific conditions.
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